daily vocabmail

Friday, 10. May 2024

Ihre Antwort:
to forgive one for using a swear word
ist korrekt! Sehr gut!

This expression is an apology for using crude language. The word 'French' has long been used in the English language to express crudeness, stemming from the rivalry, envy and xenophobia that have characterized England's relationship with France for more than a thousand years. It also might come from the time of the Norman invasion of England in 1066, when the Norman-style French became the preferred language of the upper classes, while the majority of the population continued to speak English.

Verzeihen/Entschuldigen Sie meine Ausdrucksweise.
The opposite of "Pardon/Excuse my French" is "a mannered way of expressing oneself".
You could also say: Please forgive my swearing.

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