daily vocabmail

Monday, 20. May 2024

Ihre Antwort:
to be in a dilemma
ist korrekt! Sehr gut!

This expression means in difficulty, faced with two dangerous alternatives. It is of nautical origin. 'Devil' is a seam between planks that was difficult to caulk. If sailors fell from a footrope under a yardarm, they would either land on the deck (within the devil plank) or in the water (outside of the devil plank). Either option is likely fatal. Literally it means a physical position between two unpleasant things. The first recorded citation in print is from 1637.

in einer Zwickmühle stecken
The opposite of "to be stuck between the devil and the deep blue sea" is "to find a solution".
You could also say: to be on the horns of a dilemma.

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