daily vocabmail

Wednesday, 15. May 2024

Ihre Antwort:
to get the largest portion of something
ist korrekt! Sehr gut!

This phrase probably derives from Aesop's fable of the lion, the fox and the ass. The three went hunting and killed a stag. The ass divided it into equal proportions, but the lion as king of the animals looked upon this as an insult and killed the ass. The fox, more craftily, nibbled a bit and left the 'lion's share' to the bigger beast. In fact, a lion does get the largest share of the food obtained for him by the lionesses. The phrase is recorded by 1790.

den Löwenanteil bekommen
The opposite of "get the lion's share" is "to content oneself with the smallest part of something".
You could also say: to get the largest part of something.

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